Friday, May 8, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Introduction to cleanroom system (Bilik Bersih)

Hi feel free to watch..saya punya tutorial utk introduction to cleanroom system

Basic knowledge of ISOLATION Room

Hi semua, saya ada buat tutorial berkenaan isolation room..fell free utk lihat video ini dan mendapatkan ilmu tenttang berkenaan isolation room di hospital.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Covid19 dan HVAC System

Assalamuaikum dan salam pengenalan semua...hari ni sy uploadkan sedikit baru pengenalan dan first video jer...tentang covid 19 dan susyem hawa dingin..just a simple video. Next time saya buat tutorial pasal desing acond plak ok..hahahaaaa

Design of Isolation room in Hospital

Salam guys, ni tutorial utk design isolation room dalamm hospital...